Wednesday, February 27, 2008

From the Pastor's Desk

We are a caring congregation committed to sharing Christ’s love with the world. That is who we say we are. As individuals and as groups, hopefully we keep looking for ways to express that mission statement. We also have some core values.

In this newsletter I would like to share with you another core value. As a Christian congregation we seek to offer opportunities to lead members of Zion to grow in their relationship with their Savior. Primary in this value is what we do in worship: Prayer, reading of scripture, singing, hopefully being inspired by the preaching and finally offering our gifts. But where else do we offer spiritual growth?

· Adult Forum and Bible studies
· Prayer Partners
· Men’s Group
· Faith Stepping Stones
· Women’s Meetings

Very shortly we all will have an opportunity to use this value. I invite you to join with me in our 36 hours of prayer. The prayer vigil is an opportunity for you to come to our church building and for one hour be in conversation with God. From 8:00 p.m. Good Friday until 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunday, members of Zion will praying and meditating. I invite you to sign up for an hour. You can be bring devotional material with you but we also provide you with some. Then as we celebrate God’s greatest miracle, the resurrection, you will have made a concrete step to grow in your relationship with your Savior.

There is planned an Easter Sunday Sunrise Service that will be different from past years. I invite you to come and experience the Resurrection.
See you at worship,
Pastor Otto