Friday, August 14, 2009

Just walk across the room

What if you knew that by simply crossing the room and saying hello to someone, you could change that person's life forever? Just a few steps could make an eternal difference. it has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with making a genuine interest in another human being. All you need is a heart that's in tune with God and a willingness to venture out of your circle of comfort.
This summer I read a book I think all Christians should read Just Walk Across The Room by Bill Hybels. This book brings the need for all of us to share the wonderful news of Jesus to those whom we rub shoulders with in life. It is an easy book to read and has thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter.
This is what I propose that you go out and buy a copy of the book. ( You can order it on line or get it at a book store.) Then starting Monday September 7 you go to www. and click "spiritual web " on the lower left hand side. Now you are set to join in on the conversation.