Consider the cost
Luke 14 offers some troubling words."hate" my mother, my father, my sister! As I prepared the sermon on these texts I realized that there is a "cost" in following Christ. In an age of instant gratification and cynicism I am a person who looks for long term results and seeks to offer hope.
One of the greatest challenges is to be generous. In a time when I am told we are "running out" of most things and I need to hoard what I have. God tells me that he is a God of abundance and will provide what I need. Too often the idea of scarcity has been disguised in the church as "conservative budgeting" and "protecting what we have." This negative attitude is holding the church from becoming what God calls it to be, an oasis of hope.
Now I realize all of us have limitations due to our economic times and need to wise in using our resources to care of our families. But have we let the voices of the world tell us "You can't"?
God provides enough resources to accomplish the entire mission and ministry he call us to do. But do we trust in that promise? Then pick up your Bible and read 2 Corinthians 9.8
Generosity is a Christian value.