One of my favorite preachers is Barbara Brown Taylor let me share her latest post:
"After all this time I thought I knew Jesus really well. Then just last week- preparing to preach at a worship time - I discovered something unsettling about him. I discovered that Jesus never played an instrument, never led his followers in song, or even hummed a familiar tune. How is it possible to be fully human without ever making music?
After a word search I tried hymn and struck a jackpot. According to Matthew and Mark, it is possible that Jesus sang once. On the first night of the Passover, after he had shared the last supper with his friends,they did one last thing together before they headed out that night. "when they had sung a hymn " both evangelists say " they went out to the Mount Of Olives." How had I missed that verse? How many Maunday Thursday services had I sat through without ever hearing that verse? Then I remembered that they would have sung the Hallel- Psalms 113-118- sung during evening prayers.
I know there are others who are ahead of me on this, but this is the first time I have heard that Jesus was fully human for he sang. The lord to whom I pray to not only sang praises and asked for strength to endure. Jesus may only have sung once, but when he did, the Word Made Flesh became Music as well."