At times my role as spirtual leader for Zion invites me to "move off the map." There are events and needs that I am not prepared for. No matter how many books or classes I take, I am placed in unfamiliar territory. It is not enough to have a well maintained building or a neatly organized worship or well trained staff. For an example, many of our young people are concerned that if the school administration does cut sports and the fine arts, what will they do. In conversation with others we would like to offer more youth porgramming to fill those needs but we have never done that before. Several times we have been asked to host "English as second language" classes, but as soon as they grow beyond ten people they have outgrown our classrooms.
Again and again I am reminded that change is happening quicker than before and the church is challenged to present the gospel in new ways. So I am inviting you to join me and our "dream team to a visioning process. We call it "moving off the map." In the next few months we will invite you to be a part of different small group experiences where you can share some dreams you have fo this community of faith. I know you are very busy, so am I. But we need to sit down and pray over and talk about the future of our congregation.
So beginning in January, watch the newsletter and web site for dates and times. For now, ask yourself what is God calling me to do? What is God calling Zion to provide?
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