Thursday, May 10, 2007

From the Assistant pastor


It was not an easy decision for me to decide to leave my position as Assistant Pastor here at Zion. Ruthe and I will miss all of you, but especially our Pioneer Club friends. I have enjoyed an excellent working relationship as well as friendships with Pastor Otto, Kathy Martin, Dan Druckrey and the Church Council. I will remember our five years together fondly. I ask you to remember Pastor Otto in your prayers as, for a time at least, his duties with shut-ins, hospital and nursing home calling will increase. Also, I ask the excellent potential leaders in the Pioneer Club to step up and begin planning for future events.

As I write this, Ruthe and I are packing and planning to leave for Singapore, Sumatra, Java and Bali, to tour that part of the world with our son, our daughter-in-law and granddaughters, where they are teaching for one term before returning to Valparaiso Lutheran University for the fall term. Ruthe and I will return about May 15th. I will then work here through Pastor Otto's vacation and complete my duties on Saturday, June 9th.

Our prayer is that God would continue to bless the excellent staff here at Zion and grant this congregation a long and blessed future in a growing community.

Sincerely in Christ's Service,
John S. Harder,
Assistant Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church

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