Thursday, September 4, 2008

September theme

Throughout the month of September I will focus on the idea that we challenge the forces of today by living out our faith in Jesus through a community of believers. Our community of faith is committed to "sharing Christ's love" in practical ways. By doing so we live out the challenge offered by the Apostle Paul in Roman chapter 12 verse 9 " Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor"

On September 7 we will use this passage to kick off our new year of learning by preaching on this theme: Healing the whatever culture" Maybe the most significant impact we can make on this world is by living a life filled with hope and joy. Joy based on compassion and servant hood.

ON September 14 we will follow that up with looking at Matthew 18: 21-3 and seeing of there are limits to compassion. What does it mean to forgive from the heart?

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