Friday, May 29, 2009

Pentecost is more than a day it is a season. The problem is that most people know very little about his wonderful festival day. Maybe that is fitting. Since it is about the Holy Spirit. Being holy means that he is divine in nature and can not be controlled or manipulated. Being a spirit he is elusive and yet powerfull. Maybe it is fitting to refer to the third person as "she". When you study the spirits part in the the divine community we call the trinity, you can see that she is to empower, guide and inspire. All of these terms to me are about nurturing which comes more naturally to females than males. What do you think?
Yesterday I read over Ezekiel 37 and saw that I am to "prophesy to the breath or spirit of God". So join me in asking the spirit to inspire God's people to do ministry and to do it in community.

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