Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Visibile words

Advent is a fresh and powerful season to look at how words become visible. As we walk through the malls or stores what images stand out? Do any those images tell you of the birth of the Christ child? Then when you re in Church look around you and see if the images are different? Hopefully they are?

So how do we make the word of God visible to others? The easiest answer is ringing the bells for salvation army or donating to a charity. But could we be more creative? Stopping by to visit with a neighbor or old Friend, or inviting a person who just became single due to a death or divorce to dinner. Join the Advent Conspiracy. As a community we will ask our members to be "subversive" and not be caught up in the madness called Christmas. How about spending less on each other and giving more away to the people in need of fresh water or warm bed? How about reading one chapter of Luke each day in December. Do this as a family.

We all complain about his seasonal madness yet we buy into it! Why?
Thne let us all come to worship on Chrsitmas eve and through candles, hymns and communion let us see the word become flesh

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